Elizabeth May:

MP website (http://elizabethmaymp.ca/)
Week in Review newsletter
Good Sunday Morning newsletter
Twitter (@ElizabethMay)
Contact information (in Ottawa and Sidney) is on the
House of Commons website
(This site also details her Roles and Work in the HOC.)
Saanich-Gulf Islands EDA:
Website (https://sgi.edagreens.ca)
Twitter (@SGIGreens)
Facebook (@SGIGreens)
Website (http://greenparty.ca)
Twitter (@CanadianGreens)
Facebook (@GreenPartyofCanada)
Young Greens (Canada):
Website (http://www.youth.greenparty.ca/our-future)
Twitter (@younggreenscan)
Facebook (@youth.greenparty.ca)
Website (https://www.globalgreens.org/)
Other EDAs:
Victoria EDA
Twitter (@VicGreensEDA)
Facebook (@VictoriaGreens)
Find Other EDAs (ridings) here.
Website (https://www.bcgreens.ca/)
Twitter (@BCGreens)
Facebook (@BCGreens)
Saanich North and the Islands Riding Association
Website (https://www.bcgreens.ca/san)
People, Politics and Planet (interview podcasts)
Website (https://peoplepoliticsplanet.simplecast.com/episodes)