Green Policy Proposals

The Green Party of Canada (GPC) has policy proposals for the full gamut of  economic, environmental, social and governance issues that are of concern to Canadians, including, for example:

  • Guaranteed Livable Income (2008)
  • Declare a climate emergency, and to mobilize our
    economic, political, and social resources (2014)
  • Advancing the Equality of LGBTQ+ Canadians (2016)
  • Repeal the Indian Act (2018)
  • Government Divestment from Fossil Fuels (2018)

Policies are developed and updated through a grassroots process culminating in a vote of approval by party members. Members can access a compendium of these resolutions (see FAQs to find out how).

The aspirations of the policies are summarized in Our Vision.

During elections, Green Party campaign platforms are derived from the policies. The Election Platform 2019 was fully costed and reviewed by the Parliamentary Budget Office.

“Net Zero by 2050” target is not nearly good enough

On January 20, 2022, the Green Party submitted extensive comments to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change’s survey on climate change initiatives and priorities. They deserve to be read and amplified to other politicians, friends and family.

The government presumably reviewed all submissions to its survey and released its 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan (and a short summary or Backgrounder) on March 29, 2022. The plan falls short in many important respects, as briefly discussed in Elizabeth May’s Good Sunday Morning of April 3, 2022.

Vision Green 2020 is a comprehensive compilation of issues and what Green MPs will do to address them, based on Green Party policies, as of January 2020.  An excerpt:

  • “Vision Green presents a well-researched analysis of critical economic,  environmental, and social challenges facing Canadians from coast to coast to coast. In this document, we present practical solutions that can be achieved if there is the political will and leadership to take forward-looking  action. It was developed by our Green Cabinet and was informed by experts, activists and citizens who participated in policy workshops held across Canada. Our vision is based on policies approved by the membership of the Green Party.
    Our solutions are realistic because they follow ‘best practices’ already in place in parts of Canada and around the world. These practices are cost-effective, deliver results, and benefit people, the economy, and the environment.”


Mission: Possible is the Green Climate Action Plan, developed before the 2019 election, for Canada to do its part in preventing catastrophic climate change. It is supported by a detailed analysis of Projections, 2020-2050.