Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers to them), by topics listed in alphabetical order:

Elizabeth May
Green Party Policy and Platform



Q: What are the ways I can donate to the Saanich-Gulf Islands EDA?
A: You can make one or more donations in any of three ways (sorry, debit cards cannot be used):

  1.  Donate online by credit card by clicking here. The national office issues your tax receipt and keeps 15% to cover administration costs. This saves SGI volunteers considerable time, so we recommend it for total annual donations of up to $200.
  2. Donate by cheque payable to “SGI Green Party” and mail it to:
    SGI Green Party
    PO Box 20076
    Beacon Ave PO
    Sidney, BC
    V8L 5V9

    SGI volunteers issue your tax receipt, and all of your donation stays in the EDA.
    Important: Provide the following information for your tax receipt (and as required by Elections Canada).

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Home address
  3. Donate by e-transfer to SGIgreenpartyFA@gmail.com

SGI volunteers issue your tax receipt, and all of your donation stays in the EDA.
 send a separate email to: SGIgreenpartyFA@gmail.com with the following information for your tax receipt (and as required by Elections Canada).

      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Home address
      • Donation amount

Q: Can I make automatic monthly donations?
A: Yes. Automatic monthly donations can only be made online by credit card. The national office issues your tax receipt and keeps 15% to cover administration costs. Regular monthly payments are convenient and avoid the cashflow impact of a single, large donation; they also help the EDA plan ahead.

Q: Can I also donate to the national Green Party of Canada?
A: Yes. The easiest way is to donate online by credit card. You can also donate by cheque payable to “Green Party of Canada” and mail it, along with your name and address to:

Green Party of Canada
PO Box 997, Station B
Ottawa, ON K1P 5R1

Q: What is the annual maximum that I can donate?
A: $1750 to the local EDA and candidate, plus $1750 to the national party. (These limits, set by Elections Canada, are for 2025 and increase $25 each year.)

Q: Can I donate to both the SGI EDA and the national party?
A: Yes, but please be careful:  Online donations by credit card for the EDA go through the national office and therefore count toward the national party limit. Make sure that the sum of your credit card donations (to SGI and the national party) does not exceed the annual limit for the national party. If you wish to donate more than the national party limit, make some (or all) of the donation to SGI by cheque or e-transfer.

Q: What is a tax credit for political donations?
A: Donations to political organizations are eligible for a credit on your income tax payment. It is a refund for part of your donation and, in effect, other taxpayers pay you to support the federal and provincial Greens! (Federal and provincial political donations are calculated separately and have separate annual limits.

Q: How much is my tax credit for my donation?
A: Submit your tax receipt with your income tax return for the year you donated, and you will receive a tax credit for 75% of the first $400 donated, 50% of any amount between $400 and $750, and 33.33% of amounts over $750, to a maximum credit of $650 (for a donation of $1275 or more). For example:

Your Donation Your Tax Credit Your Cost After Tax Credit
$20.00 $15.00 $5.00
$100.00 $75.00 $25.00
$400.00 $300.00 $100.00
$750.00 $475.00 $275.00
$1750.00 (maximum) $650.00 $1100.00
Your Monthly Donation Your Annual Donation Your Tax      Credit Your Annual Cost AFTER Tax Credit
$10.00 $120.00 $90.00 $30.00 (a coffee per month)
 $20.00 $240.00 $180.00 $60.00
 $50.00 $600.00 $400.00 $200.00
 $100.00 $1200.00 $625.00 $575.00
$140.00 $1680.00 $650.00 $1030.00

Q: How can couples/partners on one budget make the best use of tax credits?
A: Each partner gets their own tax credit, so two small donations can result in a bigger combined tax credit than a single large donation. For example, instead of one partner donating $600 and getting a $400 tax credit ($200 expense after tax), both partners could each donate $400 and each get a $300 tax credit ($200 combined expense after tax). The couple’s after-tax cost is $200 in both cases, but the Greens get $200 more if both donate!

Q: When will I get my official tax receipt for my donation?
A: Tax receipts are mailed out in February of the year following the year in which donations were made. Tax receipts are issued by the entity that first receives the money. If you donate by credit card to both SGI and the national party, both are received by the national party and you will therefore get one receipt. If you donate by credit card to SGI and/or the national party, and also donate by cheque or e-transfer to SGI, you will get two receipts.

Q: How are donations used?
A: With care and gratitude! Donations to the EDA are used for special events that the EDA hosts, election campaign expenses (e.g., signs, advertising) and routine office expenses like postage and telephone. The EDA may sometimes hire professionals, e.g., to help with communications. Donations to the Green Party of Canada are used for running and staffing the national party office, and supporting EDAs nationwide.

Q: How do I update my credit card expiry date or use a different credit card for my monthly donation?
A: Please call 1-866-868-3447 to set up a new donation with your new card information.

Q: How do I cancel my automatic monthly credit card donation?
A: Please email admin@greenparty.ca or call 1-866-868-3447 to cancel your donation. (If your credit card has expired or been cancelled, there is no need to call us, as your donations will automatically be cancelled by your credit card company.)

Q: Does donating make me a member automatically when I donate to SGI EDA or the Green Party of Canada?
A: No. A donation does NOT automatically make you a member of the Green Party.  You must fill in the membership request when you donate online to SGI, or use the following online form, or complete and return this paper form.  If you wish to check your membership status, log in here (or create a login).


Elizabeth May

Q: Can Elizabeth May help me with __________(e.g., a problem with a government office)?
A: Call or visit Elizabeth May’s Constituency Office. Due to the pandemic, please call before planning a personal visit.

Constituency Office Of Elizabeth May,
Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands
1-9711 Fourth St
Sidney, BC V8L 2Y8
Phone: 250-657-2000  or  1-800-667-9188
Fax: 250-657-2004
E-mail: elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca

Q: Where do I send an article or some other information that I wish to share with Elizabeth May (or the Green Party)?
A: Please forward it by email to elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca. Due to Elizabeth’s many commitments, she may not be able to respond to you personally.


Green Party Policy and Platform

Q: Where can I find the Green Party position on __________(e.g., housing)?
A: Green Party policy is driven by resolutions brought forward by Party members at general meetings. Members can access a compendium of these resolutions. To do so, first register for a user account and then use your userid and password to sign in on the Green Party of Canada website. At the bottom right, click on “Members;” then click on “Governance Materials;” and then, under “Resources,” click on “Member Approved Policy (Green Book).”

Our Vision on the Green Party of Canada website provides an overview of Green Party aspirations on many topics. Vision Green 2020 provides a comprehensive compilation of issues and what Green MPs will do to address them, based on member-driven Green Party policies, as of January 2020.  If you have a specific question not covered by these sources, please send an email to: info@greenparty.ca.



Q: How do I become a member of the Electoral District Association?
A: You need to (1) be a member of the Green Party of Canada (GPC) and, (2) live within the boundaries of the electoral district.

To join us, please click here and complete the online form.

A nominal donation (eligible for an income tax credit) is required when you sign up to become a member. Signing up for a monthly donation with your membership is the most effective way to support the GPC. Alternatively you can sign up for a one-year membership with a donation of $10 or more, or a three-year membership with a donation of $25 or more.

Provided you live in the electoral district, you automatically become a member of the local electoral district association when you sign up to become a member of the GPC.

After signing up for membership, be sure to also register a user account on the GPC website (with your own username and password) to get access to members-only pages.

Q: How can I check if I’m a member or when my membership expires?
A: Log in to your user account on the GPC website. (If you can’t remember your password, you can request a new password.)

Q: What are the advantages of membership?
A: Green Party membership gives you more than a warm feeling inside:

  • Participate in the Electoral District Association and vote to help to choose your next Green Party candidate to become a Member of Parliament
  • Influence Green Party policy development at national and local levels
  • Vote in Green Party elections at national and local levels
  • Keep up to date with Green Party activities at both national and local levels
  • Get access to member-only pages on the GPC website



Q: What kinds of volunteering activities are available? (I want to volunteer, but I’m not sure how I can help.)
A: Thank you! During election campaigns, everyone’s support is appreciated and everyone can do something helpful.

Between election campaigns, our Events Team is always looking for volunteers to help with planning and hosting periodic Green events.

Consider joining our SGI EDA Executive Committee. It is always busy, benefits from a wide variety of experience, and often has openings.

To volunteer, please click here and complete the online form. After you sign up, someone will contact you with further information.