Annual General Meeting (October 26, 2024)

The 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Green Party of Canada’s Saanich-Gulf Islands Electoral District Association is coming up:

Date: Saturday, October 26th @ 2-4 pm – Mark your calendars!

Location: The Centre, 1229 Clarke Rd, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1E2

Register here:  RSVP

This event includes election of new members for the SGI-EDA Executive Committee.

Please note that we will enable online participation, including voting. More information regarding that will be emailed out soon and added to this notice.

Please check your membership to ensure it is active so that you can vote at the AGM. To participate, you must have been a member of the GPC for at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. If you are not a member or would like to renew your membership, please visit the Green Party of Canada membership page here. This page also contains contact information if you have questions about your membership.

Please consider putting your name forward for an Executive Committee  position!  We are an active and engaged EDA Executive and enjoy our time together while striving to ensure a strong and relevant voice for Greens in our area.

To nominate yourself or someone else, or to find out more information about the Executive Committee, please contact Shelagh Levey.  The deadline for nominations is October 19th, 2023.

The Executive Committee hopes you will join us for the AGM!