This February newsletter is a special edition. The March newsletter, with regular and some new content, will follow in a few days. (This will switch publication of the monthly newsletter from the end of the month to the beginning.)
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We are thinking about making some changes to the SGI newsletter and want to hear from you:
- Which sections of the SGI Newsletter do you read (appreciate)?
- Which sections would you miss if they were discontinued?
- What new sections would you like to see?
- Would you like to suggest other changes?
Please read below about what we’re thinking and then take just two minutes to complete this short survey (just 8 questions) to tell us your views. If you have more to say, please send us an email at You may want to also read the March newsletter, to see what the new sections are like, before you answer the survey and send an email with your ideas.
Here are the sections we’ve had in most newsletters over the past three years:
Greetings (intro)
Notes from Elizabeth
Saanich-Gulf Islands EDA report (CEO report)
BC Greens News and Events
Focus on Community (local non-profit organizations)
Community Information: (events and organizations for the EDA as a whole)
Regional information: (events and organizations)
– Southern Gulf Islands
– Saanich Peninsula
– Saanich
We are considering adding some or all of these new sections:
Interviews (with local Greens)
Book reviews (books of interest to Greens)
Good news snippets
Climate solutions
Reader feedback and ideas (what local Greens do)
Is this idea, ad or product greenwashing?
What makes Greens green?
How is the GPC different from other parties?
Any one edition will probably not contain all current and new sections, as that would make it too long.
What we’re thinking:
We want all Greens — new and old — to find this newsletter “well worth reading.”
It can be informative, thought-provoking, inspiring, motivating… maybe even make you laugh!
It can be a forum for SGI members to share stories, ideas for solving issues, and dreams.
It can be given to potential new members, to help them understand what Greens are about.
What we’re considering:
What content is of greatest interest/use to members and potential new members?
Should it be shorter? Longer? How long a newsletter is “just right?”
Do readers want links to other sources for upcoming local events?
Do readers want to learn about the Green movement’s history? Issues like climate change?
What we have to keep in mind:
The SGI Newsletter is produced by volunteers.
We probably can’t do everything we’d like to.
We’re not trying to create a newspaper.
Over the past 3 years, it has been mostly produced by Linda Brown and Karen Lindsay. We want to give them a big THANK YOU! We also want to give them a break. If you have an interest in helping to produce a newsletter that readers look forward to reading, please contact Shelagh Levey ( or Tom Niemann (
What’s in a name?
Maybe it’s time to boldly go… to a new name that’s more interesting than “SGI Newsletter.”
One suggestion: “SGI Green Connections” hints at out intent — to connect members to each other, events and new ideas.
Maybe we also need a new banner to go with a new name.
Your suggestions are welcome! Send them to
It’s your turn now!
We’d like to hear your ideas.
Please complete this short survey. It will only take a few minutes.
If you have more to say, please send us an email at