To all present and prospective members of the Saanich-Gulf Islands EDA,
I am pleased to announce that the 2021 AGM is coming … in 2022.
To say the year of 2021 has been difficult is an understatement. I do not need to remind you of the litany of problems that arose this year. Suffice to say that our AGM was scheduled, and postponed, twice.
We have now scheduled our upcoming AGM to be held on January 22 at 2 pm and it will be a virtual session. Please mark this date on your calendar and come and join your executive and fellow members for our event. The AGM is our opportunity to deal with the business of our EDA but also to renew friendships within the membership. Invite a friend to join you for this occasion and to meet our group.
Speaking of opportunities, the AGM is when we collectively vote on the renewal of the executive. Your SGI EDA is fortunate enough to be one of the best federal Green organizations in Canada and our executive members help to make it effective and fun.
We are seeking interested people to run for positions on our council, including members at large plus the position of Financial Agent, which is presently held by Sharon Forrester. Please contact her if you would like to learn more. If you have any questions concerning that position or any other questions, email Dan Kells. Please note that nominations for executive roles must be received by December 8th. Feel free to put your own name forward, or nominate others (with their permission) for any position on the executive. Please send details to Karen Lindsay.
You must be a member at least 30 days prior (= December 23) to our AGM in order to vote and participate in the meeting, however non-members may attend but not participate or vote.
If you have not previously been a member of the Green Party of Canada, you can read more about membership here.
Please note that donating funds does not guarantee party membership as political parties can’t automatically enroll you with a donation – you must agree to become a member. There are two ways to check your membership or become a member:
Log into the GPC website here and then click on My profile.
Call 1-866-868-3447, extension 202 for Donations and Membership to connect with the GPC office in Ottawa.
Invitations to register for this Zoom event will be sent out closer to the actual AGM date. In the meantime, I wish you well and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Best regards, Dan
Dan Kells
Interim CEO, Saanich-Gulf Islands EDA
Green Party of Canada