Monthly Archives: March 2021

March 2021 SGI Newsletter Addendum

It happens – you press “send” and within moments there is new information that should have been included in the newsletter and it’s time sensitive. Or, you messed up and only printed part of an article.

So here we go – with some items that did not make last week’s March 2021 newsletter, or are important updates that can’t wait for April.  We appreciate your indulgence in this additional email. Continue reading March 2021 SGI Newsletter Addendum

TMX (March 28, 2021)

Good Sunday Morning

Happy Passover! Chag Pesach Sameach!

And Happy Palm Sunday! As RuPaul might say “Can I get a Hosanna up in here?

Yesterday, on the first day of Passover, Annamie Paul posted a lovely sentiment. “This year’s Passover serves as a reminder that the world has overcome plagues before and will again. In a time of COVID19, it is a very comforting thought.” Continue reading TMX (March 28, 2021)